First steps to mental health help

If it’s urgent

If you think someone could hurt themselves or others, get urgent help.

Call emergency services

Dial triple one (111) in New Zealand.

Call Lifeline

Dial 0800 543 354 in New Zealand.

Go to a hospital emergency department

At the emergency department, you will be seen first by an emergency doctor. Then, if needed, you will talk to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.

Find a mental health crisis team

Mental health crisis teams (sometimes called crisis and assessment teams or CAT teams) provide urgent treatment and support for people in mental health crisis. Treatment is often in your home. In New Zealand, find a local crisis team on this list.


If it’s not urgent

Do you feel that something isn’t right? Are you:

  • feeling anxious
  • feeling sad or depressed
  • feeling very irritable
  • not wanting to see other people
  • sleeping a lot more or less
  • eating a lot more or less
  • using alcohol or drugs to cope
  • having angry or emotional outbursts.

You could just be having a bad week. But if the symptoms are severe, or if they go on for a long time you should seek help.

If you are:

  • hurting yourself on purpose
  • behaving in a very different or unusual way
  • seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations).

These are more serious symptoms. You should get help right away.


Start talking

Talking about what’s bothering you is a good way to start dealing with a mental health issue.

Find a trusted family or whānau member, friend or health professional who will take time to listen to you.


See your GP (family doctor)

Seeing a GP is a good first step if you’re worried. A GP can help you work out what’s happening and how to deal with it. It can be difficult to bring up mental health issues at an appointment, but remember you’re not alone. In fact, depression is one of the most common illnesses GPs treat. If needed, a GP can refer you on for further treatment by a psychiatrist or psychologist.


Try counselling services

Speak to a counsellor – over the telephone, online or in person. There are free 24-hour services available. You will speak to someone who understands what you’re going through.


Online services and support

There are a range of websites that provide information, advice and links to support groups if you are experiencing a mental health issue.

Head to Health is the Australian Government portal for mental health information.

healthNZ is the New Zealand government page providing information about mental health

Other mental health support services



  • Get help. Mental illness is treatable.
  • There are many ways to get help.
  • If you are unsure, start by finding someone you trust to talk to.


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