Northland Psychiatry

Welcome to the practice of psychiatrist Dr Joseph (Joe) Foote.

We cannot provide ADHD assessments or follow-up. However, Dr Foote is doing some work with the multidisciplinary team at the NZTN ADHD service offering a comprehensive assessment for ADHD and can assist with methylphenidate etc special authority (and renewals). This service does not include prescription of medication for ADHD, or psychiatric follow-up.

Dr Foote regrets that a reduction in his availability means he cannot accept any clients (private or ACC) for ongoing treatment. He remains available for ACC and VA assessments.

Discreet, thorough and sensitive assistance
If you live in Whangarei or elsewhere in Northland and need expert help in-person with difficulties you think might be related to a mental illness; if you want an expert review of an existing mental illness; or if you are hoping to achieve greater understanding of yourself and your life situation, you have come to the right place. Dr Foote will address your needs promptly and professionally, with complete discretion. You will be “in the driver’s seat” and can be sure your situation will be given careful and expert attention, involving you the whole way through and presenting options for your consideration.

New Zealand-wide services
Through telepsychiatry, you can be helped anywhere in New Zealand, without having to leave your home. Please read our online psychiatry page for more details.

A comprehensive and careful process
After a thorough and sensitive initial assessment including presenting issues, psychiatric history, past medical history, family history, lifestyle choices, life experiences and personality, Dr Foote will discuss with you the diagnosis (if any) and how your experiences can be understood medically and/or psychologically (for more information about psychiatry and the unique skills of a psychiatrist, please see here). You will then be able to discuss treatment options, including medications, psychotherapy, other therapies, and other agencies that may be of assistance.

Situations in which Dr Foote’s input may be vital:

  • Assessment and diagnosis of mental health conditions, common and uncommon
  • Medication reviews
  • Anxiety disorders, including social anxiety, generalised anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder
  • Mood disorders, including dysthymia, depression, and bipolar affective disorder
  • Psychotic illnesses, including schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder
  • Autism-spectrum disorders including Asperger Syndrome
  • Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and treatment
  • Burnout and work stress
  • Drug and alcohol problems
  • Sleep problems and insomnia
  • Executive assessment and coaching
  • War pension matters
  • Immigration issues
  • Capacity or competence assessments for the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act
  • Work capacity assessments
  • Dealing with the downsides of perfectionism
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs or thought patterns
  • Relationship problems
  • Concerns about young adult children
  • Second opinions for those already under the care of a psychiatrist, whether voluntarily or under the Mental Health Act
  • Concerns about a family member with any of the above problems

Ethical and highly trained
Dr Foote adheres to the New Zealand Medical Council’s principles of ethics and confidentiality. He participates in the continuing education required by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, and is vocationally registered.

Learn more
For more information for patients, including how to prepare for your meeting with Dr Foote, please click here.
To ask a question (please do!), you are very welcome to email us. Please be aware that email is not a secure method of communication, and so you may like to be discreet.

After your appointment is set, please do read more about getting the most from your initial assessment.