
We are exploring options for ADHD assessments and hope to be able to assist with these in the near future – if you require an ADHD assessment, please get in touch and we will put you on our notification list.

Dr Foote regrets that a reduction in his availability means he cannot accept any clients (private or ACC) for ongoing treatment. He remains available for ACC and VA assessments.

Have you wondered if you can see a psychiatrist over the internet? Do you live very remotely, or in an area with little access to psychiatry services?

Dr Foote conducts initial assessments and follow-up consultations by telepsychiatry (that is, online psychiatry or ‘psychiatry over the internet’), using HIPAA-compliant software so you can be sure your information remains confidential. This technology works very well and Dr Foote will be able to comprehensively assess and diagnose, in almost all situations, without you leaving the comfort of your home. This service is available to anyone resident in New Zealand, though not all cases are suitable for exploration by telepsychiatry.

All you need is a good internet connection, and a modern browser.

Please note that Dr Foote will not be able to prescribe for you if your only assessment has been by telepsychiatry, but he will provide detailed treatment recommendations for your GP.

If you have any questions specific to telepsychiatry, please email us on